With the increasing demand for valuations of your business, the quality and timeliness of our analysis and support remain vital to our clients. We are pleased to announce that due to an increase in requests, we have expanded our valuation services through our affiliation with Steve Egna. Steve is a Certified Business Appraiser (CBA) and a Certified Merger & Acquisition Advisor (CMAA) and has over 30 years of diversified business experience specializing in valuation and transition planning for small businesses. He received a Masters in Management from the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management. Steve is a Senior Valuation Advisor at Valuation Resource Group, LLC.
Steve Egna and David Nixon met while attending the same series of business appraisal courses years ago. Since then they have collaborated on numerous funeral home valuations. David's 30 years' experience with a focus on funeral service, coupled with Steve's broad background in finance and small business appraisals, allow a rare synthesis, blending the knowledge of an industry specialist with a diversified valuation expert. This productive collaboration captures the big picture, keeping a real perspective on funeral service and its relationship to other types of businesses.
Ultimately if you, like most owners, rely on the value of your business for a comfortable retirement, it stands to reason that you should know the worth of your most significant asset. Through a combination of valuation theory and practical experience along with an intimate understanding of funeral business, we help you answer the big question - "What is my funeral business worth?"