If you are looking to maximize your funeral home revenues and improve financial results, you've come to the right website!
Funeral service has changed dramatically in the past 40 years and it seems even faster in this century. While focusing on service to your client-families remains the top priority, attention to the business side of the profession has jumped to the forefront.
Rising cremation rates coupled with below-cost cremation prices increase the challenge of owning an independent, family-owned funeral home.
In addition, declining profits, third-party sellers, and reduced service selections may also impact your business. We help you make sense of your financial records!
"When you're running a company you live so much inside its problems that sometimes you can't see them clearly." Thomas Stemberg, co-founder and former CEO of Staples®
Working together, we will examine your firm's financial position, establish benchmarks as part of a budget or forecast, and find solutions to improve your firm's income and monitor expenses.
We work exclusively with one independent funeral home owner in any given market. After all, advising you and your competitor on pricing and marketing strategy would be a conflict of interest!
Please continue to the Consulting page for more information.